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31. Dissection of left popliteal fossa. The two heads of the
gastrocnemus and portions of the semimembranosus and
semitendinosus have been removed. For more superficial
32. Left popliteal artery and its branches.
33. Ddissection of gluteal region and back of thigh.
34. Synovial sheaths of dorsum of foot.
35. Dissection of front and lateral side of leg.
36. Dissection of dorsum of foot.
37. Dissection of showing synovial sheaths of tendons of lateral
aspect of foot.
38. Superficial dissection of leg viewed from posteromedial side,
showing veins and nerves. Note the numerous anastomoses
between the great and the small saphenous veins.
39. Superficial dissection of leg viewed from posterolateral side
showing veins and nerves. In the specimen there were
numerous large anastomosing channels between the small
and the great saphenous veins.
40. Deep dissection of back of leg.
41. Dissection of medial side of ankle, showing the relations of
the flexor retinaculum. (model no.-1)
dissection of leg and foot showing synovial sheaths.
(model no.-2)
42. Superficial dissection of sole of foot to show plantar
aponeurosis. The skin and superficial fascia, except the
superficial transverse ligament, have been removed, and the
fibrous flexor sheaths partially opened.
43. Superficial dissection of sole of foot. The plantar
aponeurosis has been revomed. The abductor digiti
minimi & the abductor hallucis have been pulled aside.
44. Dissection of sole of foot. Most of the flexor digitorum
brevis has been removed. Deep dissection of sole of foot.
45. Inlet of thorax and is principle contents.
46. Right pleural chamber opened by removal of side
wall of thorax.
47. Left pleural chamber opened by removal of side
wall of torax.
48. Right side of Mediastinal Septum.
49. Dissection to show thymus in an Adult Female.
50. Dissection of Anterior Part of thorax.
51. Posterior aspect of Heart, with descending aorta,
Trachea & bronchi and esophagus.
52. Sterno-Costal Surface of heart.
53. Dissection to show sterno-Costal Surface
of heart in situ.
54. Sagittal section of heart and pericardium.
55. Pericardium and great vessels.
56. Base of ventricular part of a heart.
57. Anterior aspect of atrial part of a heart.
58. Right atrium.
59. Interior of right ventricle.
60. Section of heart showing interventricular and interatrial
septa and the fibrous rings Around the orifices.
61. Heart and great vessels from behind.
62. Conducting system of a sheeps heart.
63. Dissection of root of neck showing the
termination of horacic duct.
64. Dissection of left spermatic cord to show its
constituents parts.
65. Dorsal surface of penis, showing the main blood
vessels and nerves.
66. Deep inguinal ring femoral ring and obturator Canal,
seen from inside the abdomen.
67. Coeliac artery and its branches.
68. Superior mesenteric artery and its branches.
69. Superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and
their branches.
70. Dissection showing hepatic ducts and bile duct
and their relations.
71. Inferior vena cava and its tributaries.
72. Muscle of female perineum.
73. Dissection to show public symphysics and dorsal
vessels and nerves of penis.
74. Structure exposed in left half of a male pelvis.
75. Dissection of a female pelvis.
76. Dissection of bladder and prostate from the front.
77. Dissection of pelvis of a multiparous female.
78. Dissection of rectum from the front.
79. Dissection of rectum from behind.
80. Dissection of bladder and urethra from the front.