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1. Anti hypertensive drugs and | 3. Autonomic nervous system. |
site of action. | 4. Site of action of |
2. Anticholinesterase agents. | sympathomimetic drugs. |
5. Site of action of | 19. Neural pathways in regulation |
parasympathomimetic drugs. | of muscle tone. |
6. Anti muscarinic drugs. | 20. Pathways of pain & analgesics. |
7. Adrenergic blocking agents. | 21. Motor end plate. |
8. Ganglion blocking agents. | 22. Site of action of oral contraceptives. |
9. Adrenergic blocking agents. | 23. Mechanism & site of action of |
10. Antiadrenergic agents. | chemotherapeutic agents for |
11. Sino-Aortic mechanism. | neoplastic diseases. |
12. Drugs acting on heart. | 24. Innervation of iris & drug acting. |
13. Responses of effector organs to | 25. Normal absorption,metabolic |
autonomic nervous system. | pathways & excretion of iron. |
14. Site of action of diuretics. | 26. Antithyroid drugs. |
15. Neural pathways of vomiting & | 27. Life history of leishmania donovani |
site of action of emetic agents. | and leishmanicidal drugs. |
16. Mechanism of vomiting & site of | 28. Life history of malarial parasite and |
action of antiemetic agents. | anti malarial drugs. |
17. Cough reflex arch with site of | 29. Life history of ascaris lumbricoides |
action of antitussive agent. | and antihelmenthic drugs. |
18. Site of application of local | 30. Life history of entamoeba histolytica |
anesthetics. | and anti amoebic drugs. |