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1. Anthropometer rod. Rs. 10,000.00
Complete with scale and carrying bag.
2. Sliding caliperMartin typeIndian. Rs. 2500.00
3. Sliding caliper (Poech Type) Rs. 3000.00
4. Spreading Caliper : Built in Bone Holder. Rs. 2700.00
5. Cubic Craniophore with built in bone holder. Rs. 7500.00
6. Cubic craniophore with horizontal tracing needle. Rs. 8000.00
7. Tubular craniophore. Rs. 5000.00
8. Mollison Craniophore. Rs. 8000.00
9. Diagraph with pencil Holder. Rs. 3600.00
10. Horiontal Tracing needle. Size 300 mm. Rs. 1200.00
11. Horizontal tracing needle. Size. 450 mm. Rs. 2100.00
12. Diaptograph: Horizontal model complete
with all Accessories. Rs. 31,000.00
13. Skinfold caliper.Herpendent type. Rs. 9600.00
14. Baby Infantometer made of PVC Rs. 3500.00
15. Finger and palm printing pad. Rs. 2200.00
16. Goniometer.. Mollison Type with box. Rs. 2100.00
17. Platometer. Rs. 3000.00
18. Osteometric Board all metal. Rs. 10,000.00
19. Mandibulometer Rs. 7500.00
20. Height Mesuring Stand Rs. 5000.00
21. Weighing Machine..Adult..100Kg. Rs. 3500.00