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The Respiratory System: |
47. Early Primordia |
48. Formation of the Pleural Cavities |
49. The relationship between |
Lungs and Pleural Cavities |
50. Viscerel and Parietal Pleura |
51. Development Of the Diaphragm |
52. Airway Branching-The airway |
at 4 to7 weeks |
53. The Airway at 7 to 10 weeks |
54. Development of Brochioles & |
Alveoli. |
55. Bronchial Epithelium Maturation |
56. Palate Formation in the |
Upper Airway. |
The Gastrointestinal System |
& Abdominal Wall: |
57. Early Primordia. |
58. Formation of the Gut |
tube and Mesenteries |
59. Foregut, Midgut & Hindgut. |
60. Abdominal Veins. |
61. Foregut and Midgut Rotations |
62. Midgut loop. |
63. Abdominal Foregut Organ |
Development |
64. Development of Pancreatic 86. Development and organization |
Acini and Islets. of Limb Buds. |
65. Development of the Hindgut. 87. Rotation of the Limbs. |
66. Development of the Abdominal Wall. |
Head and Neck: |
The Urogenital System: |
88. Ectoderm, Endoderm |
67. Early Primordia. & Mesoderm. |
68. Division of the Cloaca. | 89. Pharyngeal (Branchial) Arches. |
69. Pronephros, Mesonephros | 90. Ventral and Midsagittal Views. |
& Metanephros. | 91. Fate of the Pharyngeal Pouches. |
70. Development of the Metanephros. | 92. Midsagittal View of the Pharynx. |
71. Ascent & Rotation of the | 93. Fate of the Pharyngeal Grooves. |
Metanephric Kidneys. | 94. Pharyngeal Arch Nerves. |
72. Primordia of the Genital System. | 95. Development of Pharyngeal Arch |
73. 8-week Undifferentiated | Muscles- Early development. |
(Indifferent) Stage. | 96. Development of Pharyngeal Arch |
74. Homologues of the External | Muscles- Later Development. |
Genital Organs. | 97. Pharyngeal Arch Cartilages. |
75. Gonadal Differentiation | 98. Cervical Plexus. |
76. Testis, Epididymis, and | 99. Orbit. |
Ductus Deferens. | 100. Ear Development. |
77. Descent of Testis. | 101. Summary of Ear Development. |
78. Ova and Follicles. | 102. Cranial Nerve Neuron Components. |
The Musculoskeletal System: | 103. Parasympathetic Innervation |
79. Myotomes, Dermatomes face- 3 to 4 weeks. | and Unique Nerves. |
& Sclerotomes. | 104. Development of the |
80. Mesenchymal Primordia at 5 face- 4 to 6 weeks. | 105. Development of the |
and 6 weeks. | 106. Development of the |
81. Development of the Atlas, Axis, face- 6 to 10 weeks. | 107. Palate Formation. |
Ribs & Sternum. | 108. Interior view of Palate formation: |
82. Ossification in the Newborn | Roof of Oral Cavity. |
Skeleton. |
83. Joint Development. | 109. Floor of the Oral Cavity. |
84. Muscular System: Primordia. | 110. Developmental Coronal Sections. |
85. Segmentation and Division of | 111. Tooth Structure & Development. |
Myotomes. |