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1. Autonomic nervous system. |
6. Auditory pathways. |
2. Sensory pathways (ascending). |
7. Ascending & descending |
3. Motor pathways (descending). |
reticular fibre system. |
4. Lateral spinothalamic tract conveys |
8. Visual pathways including |
pain & thermal senses. |
3rd cranial nerve. |
5. Anterior spinothalamic tract conveys |
9. Foetal circulation. |
discriminative sensations |
10. Urinogenital system with blood |
conscious proprioception. |
supply of nephron. |
11. Sino aortic mechanism. |
31. Mechanism of heat regulation : model |
12. Spinal cord hemisection (B S W). |
showing thermoregularity and |
13. Reflex arch for the maintenance |
mechanism mediated by nervous |
of muscle tone. |
system & endocrine glands. |
14. Brachial plexus. |
32. Anterior spino thalamic tract : model |
15. Lumber plexus. |
showing the extent position of |
16. Lumbosacral plexus. |
anterior spinothalasmic tractstarting |
17. Coccygeal plexus. |
from its origin upto termination the |
18. Facial nerves, |
functions of this tract is depicted on |
19. Olfactory nerve. |
one side. |
20. Vagus nerve. |
33. Posterior spino thalamic tract : |
21. Sumaccute combine degeneration. |
model showing its extent position of |
22. Simple & interrelated reflec arch. |
posterior spinothalasmic tractstarting |
23. Reflex arc involving sympathetic |
from its origin upto termination the |
nervous system. |
functions of this tract is depicted on |
24. Pathways of taste impulses. |
one side. |
25. Autonomic innervation of heart : |
34. Cranial nerves : model showing all |
model showing autonomic innervation |
the 10 cranial nerves along with |
of heart along with the properties of |
its main innervation and functions |
cardiac murches depicting one side. |
by the side. |
26. Neurogesic control of gastric secretion : |
35. Extrapyramidal tracts : complete |
model showing autonomic innervation |
pathways of extrapyramidal tracts |
of gastric glands & effect of sympathetic |
along with its significance. |
stimulation. |
36. Pyramidal system : showing |
27. Mechanism of swallowing : model |
complete pathways of |
showing nervous connections involved |
pyramidal tracts along with its |
in the mechanism of swallowing. |
significance. |
28. Mechanism of mastication : model |
37. Pathways of conditioned reflex |
showing muscles concerns in the process |
to sound stimuli : showing |
of mastication with their innervation. |
complete pathways primary reflex |
29. Mechanism of vomiti : model showing |
and pathway involvendin |
nervous mechanism involved in the |
producing conditioned reflex by |
vomiting reflex. |
sound / light. |
30. Mechanism of defaecations : model |
38. Spino-olivary & olivospinal |
showing the innervation of distant parts |
tract : model showing complete |
of large intestine & course of transmission |
ascending and descending fibres |
of nerve impulse in defaecations. |
with its. |