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1. Libraries on Genomic 14. Production of Messenger RNA.
DNA and cDNA. 15. Protein Synthesis.
2. Restriction Analysis by the Southern 16. The Cell cycle.
Blot Procedure. 17. Embryology-Fertilization &
3. Cloning of a DNA FRAGMENT. Implantation.
4. DNA Structure. 18. Sexual Differentiation.
5. DNA Amplification (Polymerase 19. Chromosomal Aneuploidies.
chain reaction, PCR). 20. Chromosome Structural
6. Maturation Division (Meiosis). Abnormalities.
7. Cell Division Mitosis. 21. Mendels Law.
8. Formation of Gametes. 22. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance.
9. The three Modes of Mendelian 23. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance.
Inheritance. 24. Intermediate inheritance.
10. The Cell and its components. 25. Sex Related Inheritance.
11. The Chromosomes. 26. Congenital Abnormalities.
12. DNA Replication. 27. Multifactorial threshold traits.
13. RNA Structure. 28. Allele Frequency.