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1. (a) Differences between Police Inquest
(Investigation) and Magistrate/
Coroners Inquest.
(b) Differences between Coroners Court
and Judicial Magistrates Court.
(c) Differences between Civil and
Criminal Negligence.
(d) Differences between professional
Negligence & Professional Misconduct(ONE CHART)
2. (a) External Morphological Features
in Male and Female.
(b) Sex Differentiating Features in Skull(ONE CHART)
3. (a) Sex Differentiating Features in Mandible.
(b) Sex Differentiating Features in Hip Bone.
(c) Sex Differentiating Features in Sacrum(ONE CHART)
4. (a) Sex Differentiating Features in Articulated
Pelvis in addition to those present in
Hip Bone & Sacrum.
(b) Sex Differentiating Features in Femur(ONE CHART)
5. (a) ESTIMATION OF AGE Ages of Eruption of Teeth.
(b) International System of Numbering Teeth(ONE CHART)
6. Methods for determining the
extent of a burn.
7. Symptoms & signs of Acute Alcohol
8. Side effects of Antipsychotic &
depressants Drugs.
9. Treatment of some common Poisons.
Part.1, 2,3,4,5, SET PRICE.
10. Difference between cobra & viper
a) Fatal dose & amount injected
in one bite.
11. Skeletal Maturation and growth.
12. (a) Ages of Appearance and Fusion of
Different Ossification of Bones.
(i) Whole Skeleton. (ii) Hip Bone.
(iii) Body, Manubrium and
Xiphoid Process of Sternum.
(iv) Humerus, Radius and Ulna.
(v) Femur, Tibia and Fibula.
(vi) Clavicle and Scapula
(b) Multiplication Factor for Different
Bones for Calculation of Persons of
Different Parts of India...(ONE CHART)
13. (a) Differences between Antemortem and
Postmortem Abrasions.
(b) Differences between Bruise and
Postmoetem Staining(ONE CHART)
14 (a) Differences between Bruises and lesions
Produced by Chemicals or Plant Juices.
(b) Differences between Bruise
& Congestion(ONE CHART)
15. Differences between Suicidal and
Homicidal Cut Throat.(ONE CHART)
16. (a) Height of Fundus of the Uterus at
Different Periods of Pregnancy.
(b) Different Measurements of
Uterus after delivery.
(c) Difference between Respired and
Unrespired Lungs.(ONE CHART)
17. Wound Entrance at Different Parts of the
Body at Different Distance in case of Short
Barreled .
Wound entrance at different parts of the
body at different distances in case of
short barreled .(ONE CHART)
18. Pressure in Chamber, Muzzle Velocity, Spinning
Revolution of Projectile, Striking Range and
Features of Fire Arm Injuries.
Extent of Effects of Partly Burnt Gun Powder,
Smoke, Heat and Fire.
Wound of Entrance at Different Parts of the
Body at Different Distances in
Case of Shot Gun.(ONE CHART)
19. Differences between true Insanity
and Feigned Insanity.(ONE CHART)
20. Types of Guns and Mechanism of
Breech Loading(ONE CHART)