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129. Low Birth Weight. |
156. Dehydration. |
130. Balance Diets & receips for normal. |
157. Protein Energy Malnutrition. |
131. Pregnant & Lactating Women |
158. Salmonellosis (Food Borne |
Part 1 & 2. |
Infection). |
132. Immunization Schedule. |
159. Rickettsial Zoonoses. |
133. Feeding Schedule for Pre-term infant. |
160. Indian Tick Typhus. |
134. Normal Height-Weight table (Indian). |
161. Murine Typhus. |
135. Body Surface area & body weight. |
162. Hydatid Disease (castode infection). |
136. Birth Weight. |
163. Trachoma Infection. |
137. Possible sites of contamination in |
164. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. |
Hemodialysis Equipment. |
165. Gonorrhoea. |
138. Incubation periods of selected |
166. Syphillis. |
Infectious diseases. |
167. Chancroid. |
139. How antigens of parasitic protozoans |
168. Urethritis, Cervicitis. |
thwart the Immune System. |
169. Donovanosis (Granuloma Inguinale) |
140. Ozonation of a Typical lake or Pond. |
170. Genital Herpes. |
141. Portals of Exit for Human Pathogens. |
171. acute & Chronic Hepatitis. |
142. Sumary of cell mediated Immunity. |
172. Vaginitis. |
143. The flow of Energy and |
173. Genital Ulcers. |
Nutrients in Eco System. |
174. Scortal Swelling. |
144. How the immune system |
175. Inguinal Bubo. |
combats viruses. |
176. Pinta. |
145. Excreta/Sewage Disposal. |
177. Yaws. |
146. The mechanism of immediate |
178. Hospital acquired Infection. |
(Type-1) Hypersensitivity. |
179. Oral cancer. |
147. CDC Classification of HIV & Aids. |
180. Breast Cancer. |
148. An overview of Sewage |
181. Cancer of the Cervix. |
Treatment Plant. |
182. Lung Cancer. |
149. Sewage disposal by means of a |
183. Stomach Cancer. |
Septic Tank Drainage Filed system. |
184. ORS. |
150. Some common modes of |
185. Component of Primary Health care. |
Transmission of Nosocomial |
186. Malnutrition. |
infections in a Hospital. |
187. Color coding for waste container. |
w:st=on 151. Hospital Waste Management Part 1 & 2. |
188. Biomedical waste. (Handling & |
152. Drugs & dosages for Treating |
Management. |
Parsitic Infections. |
189. Diagnostic Algorithm of TB in |
Part1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. |
RNTCP (by quality sputum |
153. E for additives Part 1 2 3. |
Microscope. |
154. Additives used in food and |
190. Cardinal signs of leprosy. |
food products. |
191. Family Planning methods. |
155. Viruses. |
192. Reverse Osmosis Filter.(RO Filter). |