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51. L.C. of Hymenolepis diminuta. | 87. Rabies. |
( Rat Tape Worm) | 88. Japanese Encephalites. |
52. L.C. of Dyllobothrium latum | 89. Scrub Typus. |
(Fish Tape Worm). | 90. Tetanus. |
53. L.C. of Dracunculus Medinensis. | 91. Leprosy. |
54. Helminths and Protozoa | 92. Diptheria. |
infesting the Human Intestine. | 93. Whooping Cough. |
55. Differential Characters of important | 94. Meningococcal Meningitis. |
Cestodes infecting Man. | 95. Acute Respiratory Infection. |
56. Life cycle of Onchocerca volvulus | 96. Tuberculosis Part 1 & 2. |
(blinding Worm). | 97. Amoebiasis. |
57. Life cycle of Clonorchis Sinensis. | 98. Plague. |
58. Life cycle of Schistosoma | 99. Leishmaniasis. |
Haematobium. | 100. Rheumatic heart disease. |
59. L.C. of Toxoplasma Gondii. | 101. Obesity. |
60. L.C. of Plasmodium Falciparum. | 102. Blindness. |
61. L.C. of Brugia Malayi. | 103. Water Pollution. |
62. L.C. of Sparganosis. | 104. Air Pollution. |
63. L.C. of Clonorchis Sinensis | 105. Noise Pollution. |
(oriental Liver Fluke). | 106. Water cycle. |
64. L.C. of Opisthorchis Felineus. | 107. Carbon Cycle. |
(Cat Liver Fluke). | 108. Nitrogen cycle. |
65. L.C. of Heterophyes Heterophyes. | 109. Oxygen cycle. |
66. L.C. of Metagonimius Yokogawai. | 110. Sulphur Cycle. |
67. L.C. of Isopora Belli. | 111. Phosphorus Cycle. |
68. L.c. of Cryptosporidium Parvum. | 112. water Harveting in Tube well. |
69. L.C. of Cyclospora Cayetanensis. | 113. Kinds of Bacteria. |
70. L.C. of Sarcocystis Hominis. | 114. Breast FeedingPart 1 & 2. |
71. L.c. of Microsporidia. | 115. Contraceptive Devices and |
72. L.c. of Chilomastix Mesnili. | techniques. Part 1 & 2. |
73. L.C. of Toxocara Canis | 116. Growth & Development of Infant |
(Dog round worm). | (Birth to 1 Year) Part 1 & 2. |
74. L.C. of Toxocara Cati | 117. Nutrition During Pregnancy. |
(Cat Round Worm). | 118. Iodine Deficiency disorders |
75. Trichomonas Species. | Part 1 & 2. |
76. Chickenpox. | 119. Anemia. |
77. Measles. | 120. HormonesOral Contraceptives. |
78. Rubella. | 121. Vitamins function, Source & |
79. Mumps. Deficiency | Part 1 & 2. |
80. Influnza. | 122. The Harmful Effects of Alcohol. |
81. Pollomyelitis. | 123. Understanding Hypertension. |
82. Viral Fever. | 124. Understanding Stroke. |
83.Cholera. | 125. Understanding Diabetes type 1. |
84. Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases. | 126. Diabetes Mellitus. |
85. Dengue Syndrome. | 127. Obesity. Part 1 & 2. |
86. Malaria. | 128. Blindness. |