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Charts on Psychiatry :
1. The psychiatric history and 18. The dementias.
mental state examination (MSE). 19. Neuropsychiatry I.
2. Diagnosis and classification 20. Neuropsychiatry II.
in psychiatry. 21. Child psychiatry I.
3. Schizophrenia : phenomenology 22. Child psychiatry II.
and aetiology. 23. The psychiatry of
4. Schizophrenia : management adolescence.
and prognosis. 24. Learning disability
5. Depression. (mental retardation).
6. Bipolar affective disorder 25. Consultation Liaison
(including mania). psychiatry.
7. Suicide and deliberate 26. Psychiatry in the community.
self-harm (DSH). 27. Forensic psychiatry.
8. Stress reactions (including 28. The 1983 Mental Health
bereavement). Act (MHA).
9. Anxiety disorders. 29. Risk assessment & management
10. Obsessions & compulsions. in psychiatry.
11. Eating disorders. 30. Psychosexual disorders.
12. Disorders of personality. 31. Psychiatric aspects of
13. Substance misuse. HIV and AIDS.
14. Alcohol abuse and dependence. 32. Psychological treatments.
15. Disorders of female 33. Psychological treatments I.
reproductive life. 34. Psychological treatments II.
16. Functional disorders in 35. Cross-cultural psychiatry.
old age. 36. Unusual psychiatric syndromes.
17. Acute confusional states (delirium).