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50. Homicidal Throttling. Rs. 6500.00
51. Throttling : Finger mark on the neck & upper lip & nostrils. Rs. 6500.00
52. Homicidal Strangulation with telephone wire cord in the neck. Rs. 6500.00
53. Strangulation with nylon rope. The head is covered with plastic bag. Rs. 6500.00
54. Froth at the Nostrils. Rs. 6500.00
55. Grass firmly grasped in the hand. Rs. 5500.00
56. Corrugated skin of feet. Rs. 5500.00
57. Corrugated skin of Hand. Rs. 5500.00
58. Model of sodden condition of skin on palmar
aspect of fingers and palm of hand in the
case of drowning. Rs. 5500.00
59. Homicidal gagging of a old man by cloth. Rs. 6500.00
60. Rape injury in Child. Rs. 5500.00
61. Model of a case of Sodomy Passive agent of boy. Rs. 5500.00
62. Typical breast of a virgin. Rs. 5500.00
63. Slightly pendulous breasts of a recently married woman. Rs. 5500.00
64. Extensive Burns from clothes catching fire. Rs. 6500.00
65. Scalds from a fall into a cauldron of boiling ghee. Rs. 6500.00
66. DEATH FROM BURNING: Note the slight pugilistic attitude. Rs. 8500.00
67. Burn on the back with a heated metallic ladle. Rs. 6500.00
68. Burn on the face from Kerosene Oil Lamp. Rs. 6500.00
69. Lightning Injuries. Rs. 6500.00
70. Lesion of hand from contact with a live wire a current of 250 Volts. Rs. 6000.00
71. Electric burn on leg. Rs. 5500.00
72. DEGREE OF BURN : 1ST. Degree to 6th. Degree.. 6 Models. Rs. 10,000.00