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1. The Teeth. 5. Drug Administration.Dosage forms
2. The Disorders of the for Oral, Ocular & Nasal Application.
Teeth and Jaw. 6. Landmarks of the oral cavity.
3. The Anatomy of the Teeth. 7. Landmark of the tongue and
4. (a) Estimation of Age variants of
Ages of Eruption of Teeth. 8. landmarks of the Periodontium.
(b) International System of 9. Diagnostic and Descriptive
Numbering Teeth(One Chart). Terminology Part 1, 2, 3 & 4
10. Oral conditions affecting Infants 39. Ulcerative Lesions Part 1,2 & 3.
and Children.Par 1 & 2. 40. Sexually Releted and Sexually
11. Alterations in tooth Morphology. Transmissible conditions.
12. Alterations in tooth Numbers: 41. HIV Infection & AIDS... PART 1&2.
Hypodontia.Part 1 & 2. Drugs for the Suppression of Pain.
13. Alterations in tooth Structure & color. 42. Pain Mechanisms and Pathways.
14. Alterations in tooth color. 43. Antipyretic Analgesics.
15. Acquired defects of teeth: 44. Local Anesthetics..Diffusion
Noncarious Loss of tooth Structure. & Effect.
16. Acquired defects of teeth: 45. Local Anesthetics Local
Carious Loss Of tooth Structure. Anesthetics & pH-value.
17. Periodontal diseases: Plaque, 46. General Anesthesia & General
calculas & Regressive changes. Anesthetic Drugs.
18. Gingivitis. 47. HormonesHyperthyroidism
19. Periodontitis. & Antithyroid Drugs.
20. Localized Gingival Lesions Part 1 & 2. 48. Hormones Diabetes Mellitus.
21. Generalized Gingival Enlargements. 49. Antibacterial Drugs Acting on DNA.
22. Spontaneous Gingival Bleeding. 50. Antibacterial Drugs Inhibitors
23. Conditions Peculiar to the of Protein Synthesis.
TonguePart 1, 2 & 3. 51. Antibacterial DrugsAspects of
24. Condition Peculiar to the lip. the Therapeutic use of Tetracyclines,
25. Nodules of the Lip. & Aminoglycosides.
26. Swellings of the Lip. 52. Fight decay with dental sealants.
27. Swellings of the Floor of the mouth. 53. Are you at risk for dental erosion?
28. Swellings of the Plate..part 1 & 2. 54. Injury prevention with mouthguards.
29. Swelling of the Face..part 1 & 2. 55. Reduce your skin cancer risk by
30. Condition Peculiar to the face. practicing Sun smart behaviour.
31. White Lesions. Part 1 & 2. 56. Choose your weapon mouth rinse.
32. White Lesions. 57. Healthy hydration make water
33. Red Lesions. Part 1 & 2. your first choice.
34. Red & White LesionsPart 1,2,3 & 4. 58. Lip cancer.
35. Pigmented Lesions..Part 1, 2 & 3. 59. Oral cancer.
36. Nodules part 1& 2. 60. oral health.
37. Papulonodules. 61. Fight tooth decay with xylitol.
38. Vesiculobullous lesions. 62. Choose your weapon-Floss.
Part 1,2,3,4 & 5. 63. Foods to avoid while wearing braces.