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1. Cardiovascular Disease. 14. Dangers of Smoking.
2. High Chloestrol. 15. Understanding Diabetes.
3. Heart Disease. 16. Understanding Cancer.
4. Understanding HIV & AIDS. 17. Understanding Common Cold.
5. The Disease of the Digestive System. 18. Understanding Cholesterol.
6. The Importance of Weight Control. 19. Understanding Stroke.
7. Mainatining Healthy Weight. 20. Understanding Asthma.
8. The Understanding Ulcers. 21. Headache.
9. Diseases of the Urinary Tract. 22. Migranes & Headache.
10. Understanding Hypertension. 23. Understanding depression.
11. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 24. Understanding Allergies.
12. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 25. Dermatomes.
13. The Maturing Body. 26. Understanding Epilepsy.
27. Understanding Alzheimers. 51. Antifungal DrugsDrugs used in the
28. Dangers of Alcohol. treatment of Fungal Infections.
29. Understanding Breast Cancer. 52. Antiparasitic agentsAntimalarials.
30. Understanding Skin Cancer. 53. Therapy of Selected diseases..
31. Management of Hypertension. Angina Pectoris.
32. Management of Asthma. 54. Therapy of Selected diseases...
33. Management of Patient Hypertension.
with Raised Lipid Levels. 55. Therapy of Selected diseases
34. Summary of Antibacterial Gout and its Therapy.
Therapy(Part 1 & 2). 56. Therapy of Selected diseases..
35. Understanding Parkinsons Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Disease. 57. Understanding Breast Diseases.
36. Hypertension. 58. Benign Breast Diseases.
37. Understanding Carpal 59. Metabolic Syndromes.
Tunnel Syndrome. 60. Heart Condition.
38. Renovascular Hypertension. 61. Chronic Obstructive
39. Understanding Hepatitis. Pulmonary Diseases.
40. The Respiratory System & 62. Understanding type-1 Diabetes.
Asthma. 63. Understanding type-II Diabetes.
41. Gastroesophageal Disorders. 64. Understanding Diseases
42 Digestive Anatomy. 65. Understanding Viral Infection.
43. Bronchial Asthma. 66. Deep vein Thrombosis.
44. Esophagitis. 67. The Development of Blood cells.
45. Bronchitis. 68. Risk of Obesity.
46. Bacterial Infection. 69. Understanding Influenza.
47. Heart Failure. 70. Thyroid Disorders.
48. Cardiac DrugsModes of action. 71. Sleep Disorders.
49. Myocardial Contraction & Relaxation.
50. Drugs treatment of Hyperlipoproteinemias.