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Dissection Anatomy Models
82. Triangles of the neck seen from the side.
83. Superficial dissection of back of neck.
84. Dissection of ligamentum Nuchae and of the
vertebral artery in the neck.
85. Dissection suboccipital region.
86. Arteries of face.
87. Nerves of face.
88. Dissection of head.
89. Side of head and triangles of neck.
90. Deep dissection of neck.
91. Dissection of front of neck.
92. Dissection of parotid, submandibular and
sublingual glands.
93. Dissection of infratemporal fossa.
94. Mandibular nerve. The tongue has been separated
& raised above the level of the body of the mandible.
95. Triangle of the neck seen from the side. In the digastric triangle
note the anterior Belly of the digastric muscle and portions
of the posterior belly stylohyoid and Submandibular Gland.
96. Deep Dissection of Infratemporal and submandibular regions.
97. Dissection to show the relations of the external carotid
artery and the deep part of the Facial artery. The parotid
gland and the posterior part of the ramus of the mandible and
The muscles attached to it have been removed. The terminal
branches of the facial Nerve have been cut & the
terminal part left in.
98. Dissection of submandibular region.
99. Dissection of the anterior part of the neck. The right
sterno mastoid has been removed.
100. Dissection of the thyroid gland and the parts in
immediate relation to it.
101. Deep dissection of root of neck on the left side to
show the cervicle pleura and the Relations of
thoracic duct. The sterno mastoid and the
infrahyoid muscles have been Removed.
102. Deep dissection of root of neck on the left side to
show cervical pleura and the relations of thoracic
duct. Parts of the sterno mastoid and the
sterno-thyroid have been Removed.
103. Dissection to show the structure under cover
of sterno-mastoid.
104. Deep dissection of face and adjoining parts. (part-1).
105. DO (part-2).
106. Muscles of back of larynx.
107. Side view of muscles of larynx. The fibre passing
backwards and up wards from the Upper border
of the thyro-arytenoid muscle are the fibres of the
108. Cronol section of larynx showing muscle.
109. Anterior aspect of cartilages and ligaments of larynx.
110. Profile view of cartilages and ligaments of larynx.
111. Posterior aspect of cartilages and ligaments of larynx.
112. Inferior surface of left cerebral hemisphere.
113. Supero lateral surface of left cerebral hemisphere.
114. Dissection to show lateral ventricules.
115. Dissection to show the posterior & inferior horns of
lateral Ventricule of the left side.
116. Dissection to show tela choriodea of third ventricle
and the parts in its vicinity.
117. The Fornix has been divided and thrown backwards