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1. The Eye. | Basic eye examination |
3. The Eye; Anterior & Posterior | 15. External eye and anterior segment. |
Chambers. | 16. Posterior segment and retina. |
4. The Disorders of the Eye. | 17. Use of eye drops. |
Blindness 35 Plates (Book Form). | Acute ophthalmology |
Principles of ophthalmology | 18. The red eye. |
6. Introduction : what is | 20. Ophthalmic trauma principles & |
ophthalmology. | management of chemical injuries. |
7. Medical student aims. | 21. Specific features of blunt and |
8. Social and occupational | sharp injuries. |
aspects of vision. | 22. Sudden painful loss of vision in a |
Ophthalmic history & examination | 23. Sudden painless loss of vision. |
9. Taking the history and | Gradual loss of vision |
10. Visual acuity in adults. | 24. Gradual loss of vision. |
12. Other visual functions. | Sub-specialty - Paediatric |
13. Basic optics and refraction. | 26. Strabismus (squints). |
14. Glasses, contact lenses and | 27. Neonates. |
low-vision aids. | 28. Infants and older children. |
Sub-specialty Eyelid, lacrimal | 43. Medical and surgical treatment |
and orbit | of glaucoma. |
29. Common eyelid lumps. | Sub-specialty Vitreoretinal and |
30. Common eyelid malpositions. | medical retina |
32. Basic orbital assessment. | 44. Retinal detachment. |
33. Orbital and thyroid eye disease. | 45. Retinal and choroidal anatomy |
Sub-specialty external eye | 46. Inherited retinal dystrophies and |
Disease | age-related macular degeneration. |
34. Common conditions affecting | and typical lesions. |
the external eye. | 48. Diabetic retinopathy treatment. |
35. Common conditions affecting | 49. Retinal vein occlusion. |
the cornea. | 50. Retinal artery obstruction. |
36. Therapeutic contact lenses. | 51. HIV infection and AIDS. |
surgery. | Sub-specialty Neuro-ophthalmology |
Sub-specialty Corneal, refractive | 52. Pupil abnormalities. |
and cataract surgery | 53. Optic nerve disease. |
39. Cataract surgery. | 55. Visual fields defects. |
40. Cataract surgery postoperative care. |
Sub-specialty Glaucoma |
41. Glaucoma the basics. |
42. Detecting glaucoma. |