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1. Pregnancy & Birth. | 8. Understanding Menopause. |
2. Conditions of Cesarean Section. | 9. Understanding Breast Disease. |
3. Infertility. | 10. Undertanding Breast cancer. |
4. Female Reproductive System.. | 11. 1st. 2nd, & 3rd. stages of labor. |
(Anatomy & Pathology). | 12. 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Trimster. |
5. Female External Genitalis | 13. Obstetrical Table. |
(Anatomy & Pathology). | 14. Harmful Effects of Alcohol & Drugs |
6. The Female Reproductive System. | on the Fetus & Infant. |
7. The Male Reproductive System. | 15. Body Surface Area, Body Weight. |
16. Birth Weight. | OBSTETRIC & |
17. Adverse Drug EffectsDrug | GYNECOLOGIC DISORDERS. |
18. (a) Height of Fundus of the Uterus at | 37. Twin Pregnancy. |
different Periods of Pregnancy. | 38. Placenta praevia Different Stages. |
(b) Diff. Measurements of Uterus | 39. Caput Succedaneum. |
after delivery. | 40. Cephallhaematoma. |
(c) Difference between respired & | 41. Congenital Malformation of |
Unrespired Lungs(One Chart). | New Born. |
19. HormonesOral Contraceptives. | 42. Cleft Lip-Palate. |
20. Contraceptive Devices and Techniques | 43. Variations of Cleft deformity. |
(Part 1 and 2). | 44. Spina Bifida. |
21. Critical Stages of Fetal Development | 45. Hydrocephalus. |
1st Lunar Month-10th Lunar Month. | 46. Anencephalus. |
22. Growth and Development of Infant | 47. Premenstrual syndrome. |
(Birth to 1 Year) Part 1 & 2. | 48. Dysmenorrhea. |
23. Breast Feeding & human lactation. | 49. Vulvovaginitis. |
( Part 1 & 2 ). | 50. Ovarian cysts. |
24. Self Breast Examination. | 51. Endometriosis. |
25. Feeding Shedule of pre-term Infants | 52. Uterine leiomyomas. |
& Thumb Rules for Growth. | 53. Precocious puberty. |
26. Breast changes in Pregnancy. | 54. Menopause. |
27. Uterine changes in pregnancy | 55. Female infertility. |
showing height of uterus at different | 56. Pelvic inflammatory disease. |
terms of pregnancy. | 57. Amenorrhea. |
STAGES OF LABOUR. | 59. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. |
28. First stage. | 61. Abortion. |
29. Second Stage. | 62. Ectopic pregnancy. |
30. Third Stage. | 63. Hyperemesis gravidarum. |
BREECH PRESENTATION. | 65. Hydatidiform mole. |
31. complete breech. | 67. Cardio vascular disease in pregnancy. |
32. Incomplete breech | 68. Adolescent pregnancy. |
33. Foot Presentation | 69. Diabetic complication during |
35. Face Presentation | 70. Premature labor. |
36. Brow Presentation | 71. Premature rupture of membranes. |