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1. Harmful Effects of Cocaine. 15. Contraceptive Devices
2. Harmful Effects of Alcohol. and TechniquesPart 1 & 2
3. Harmful Effects of Marijuana. 16. Critical Stages of Fetal Development
4. Harmful Effects of Smoking. 1st Lunar Month 10th Lunar Month.
5. Harmful Effects of Steroids. 17. Growth and Development of Infant
6. Facts About HIV and AIDS. (Birth to 1 Year) Part 1 & 2.
7. How the AIDS Virus is Transmitted. 18. Breast Feeding & Human Lactation
8. Inhalants and their Harmful Effects. Part 1 & 2.
9. Smoking and your Health. 19. Self Breast Examination.
10. Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Drug 20. Feeding Schedule of pre-term Infants
On the Fetus and Infant. & Thumb Rules for Growth.
11. Heroin and its Harmful Effects. 21. Narcotics.
12. Antibacterial Preparation Showing 22. Stimulant.
Pharmacological Class, Ingredients, 23. Inhalant.
Presentation Brands...Part 1 & 2. 24. PCP.
13. Adverse Drug Effects Overdosing, 25. Hallucinogens.
Increased Sensitivity, Lacking Selectivity. 26. Sedatives.
14. Adverse Drug EffectsDrug Toxicity 27. Sedatives.
In Pregnancy and Lactation.