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75. An Anterior View of the Veins that
drain the upper right extremity. Rs. 6000.00
76. Veins of the lower Extrimities. Rs. 6000.00
77. Circulatory System. Rs. 6000.00
78. Relationship of the lymphatic system to
the cardiovascular System. Rs. 5500.00
79. Fetal Circulation. Rs. 5000.00
80. A Schematic Model of Circulatory System Rs. 6000.00
81. Arteries of the Neck and Head.
Major branches of the right Common
carotid and right subclavian arteries. Rs. 5500.00
82. An Anterior view of the Major Arteries
of the Upper Extremity. Rs. 6000.00
83. Arteries of the Pelvic Region. Rs. 5500.00
84. Arteries of the right lower Extremity
(Anterior view & Posterior view). Rs. 5500.00
85. Urinary System.with Kidney and
Urinary Bladder(Male). Rs. 4000.00
86. Urinary System..with Kidney and
Urinary Bladder (female). Rs. 4000.00
87. Kidney in 2 Parts.on stand. Rs. 3000.00
88. Blood supply of the kidney. Rs. 4500.00
89. Urinary Bladder..Sectioned. Rs. 3000.00
90. TestisX Section. Rs. 2500.00
91. Cross Section of the PenisAnterior
view (Oblique section). Rs. 3500.00
92. Structure of the Penis showing the
Attachment, Blood & Nerve supply &
the arrangement of the erectile tissue. Rs. 5500.00
93. Longitudinal Section of the Female Urethra. Rs. 4000.00
94. Organs of the Male Reproductive
System. (A Sagittal View). Rs. 5500.00
95. Organs of the Female Reproductive
System (A sugittal Section). Rs. 5500.00
96. The Size & Position of the Uterus in a full
term Pregnant Woman in a Sagittal Section. Rs. 8000.00
97. UterusSagittal Sectionwith Fallopian tube
with details. Rs. 3500.00
98. Uterus in section showing Sperm & Ovum
in process of Fertilization. Rs. 4500.00
99. Ovarian Cycle , Fertilization and the Morphofenic
events of the first week. Rs. 4500.00
100. Blood supply of the uterus. Rs. 4500.00
101. Vascular Supply to the Uterus. Rs. 4500.00
102. Tubal Ligation involves removal of
a portion of each uterine tube. Rs. 5500.00
103. Structure of the Breast and Mamary Glands
(A Sagittal section and anterior view
partially sectioned). Rs. 4500.00
104. The Skin.1000 times Enlarged. Rs. 4000.00
105. Types of Skin Lesions..Macule, Papule,
Nodule, Wheal, Vesicle, Intra or Subepidermal
blister, Pustule, Cyst, Fissure and Ulcer. Rs. 4000.00
106. Bone Structure.Cross Section. Rs. 4000.00
107. Hair Structure...Cross Section. Rs. 4000.00
Anatomy & Physiology of Pregnancy
108. Human Ovum Enlarged. Rs. 2500.00
109. Structure of Human Spermatozoon. Rs. 2500.00
110. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis. Rs. 4500.00
111. Uterus in section showing Sperm and
Ovum in process of Fertilization. Rs. 4500.00
112. Foetal Surface of Placenta. Rs. 3500.00
113. Maternal Surface of Placenta. Rs. 3500.00
114. Vasectomy. Tubal Ligation (Tubectomy)Set price. Rs. 5000.00