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49. The set of 27 models and to scale and highly enlarged as seen under the microscope, consisting of 2 species of flukes, 8 species of tape worms and 8 species of nematodes.Very useful for comparative study. Rs. 10,000.00
50. Model showing spread of parasitic infection to man through arthropodan and mam malian host. Rs. 6500.00
51. Model showing distribution and localisation of protozoal parasitic in side the human body. Rs. 9000.00
52. Model showing localisation of some of the helminthic parasites which infects man. Rs. 7000.00
53. Model showing cyst intestinal protozoa of man. Rs. 5500.00
54. Model showing three stage of entamoeba histolytica. Rs. 6500.00
55. Model showing developmental phase of entamoeba histolytica. Rs. 6500.00
56. Model showing early intestinal lesions in acute amoebic dysentry. Rs. 6500.00
57. Model showing microscopic pathology of liver abcess. Rs. 6500.00
58. Model showing advance intestinal lesions in acute amoebic dysentry. Rs. 6500.00
59. Model showing microscopic pathology of liver abcess. Rs. 6500.00
60. Non-pathogenic species of rhizopoda : a) Entamoeba coli.
b) Entamoeba gingavalis. c) Iodamoeba butschili.
d) Dientamoeba fragilis. Rs. 7000.00
61. Flagelleted protozoa : a) Enteromonas leminis.
b) Trichomonas heminis. c) Chilomastix mennity,
Giardia intestinalis. Rs. 7000.00
62. Model showing life cycle of T. rhodesiense. Rs. 7000.00
63. Model showing life cycle of intestinal coccidia. Rs. 7000.00
64. Model showing small intestine in ancylostomiasis. Rs. 6500.00
65. Model showing intussusception of small intestine
with ascaris lumbricoides inside lumen. Rs. 6500.00
66. Model showing ascaris lumbricoides
perforating through a typhoid, ulcer. Rs. 6500.00
67. Model showing ascaris lumbricoides
perforating through a duodenale ulcer. Rs. 6500.00
68. Model showing ascaris lumbricoides
in the duodenum making an attempt
to enter into the ampulla of vater. Rs. 6500.00
69. Model showing the tail ends of
different microfilariae found in man. Rs. 5000.00
70. Model showing guineaworm blister. Rs. 5500.00
71. Head and gravid segment of T. solium
and T. saginata. Rs. 6000.00
72. Hook worm (male & female). Rs. 6000.00
73. Whip worm (male & female). Rs. 6000.00
74. Round worm (male & female). Rs. 6000.00