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94. Pit Latrine (Dug Well Latrine). Rs. 5000.00
95. Bore Hole Latrine. Rs. 5000.00
96. Trench Latrine. Rs. 5000.00
97. Septic Tank Latrine. Rs. 7000.00
98. Soakage Pit. Rs. 6000.00
99. RCA Laterine. Rs. 5500.00
100. Aqua Privy. Rs. 6500.00
101. Indian water Closet. Rs. 4500.00
102. Underground sewer. Rs. 6000.00
103. Sanitary Laterine. Rs. 5500.00
104. House Drainage System Rs. 6000.00
105. Incinerator (Beehive Type). Rs. 5000.00
106. Incinerator Chamber Type oil/Gas fired . Rs. 8000.00
107. Activated Sludge Process. Rs. 7000.00
108. Soil Testing Kit. Rs. 9000.00
109. Persian well. Rs. 6000.00
110. Shallow well. Rs. 5500.00
111. Artesian well. Rs. 6000.00
112. Model of protected water supply. Rs. 9500.00
113. Sanitary tank. Rs. 6000.00
114. Insanitary tank. Rs. 6000.00
115. Water works. Rs. 14,000.00
116. Permutit water softner. Rs. 10,000.00
117. Ultra violet rays of sterilization of water. Rs. 6500.00
118. An unplanned insanitary old town. Rs. 15,000.00
119. Planned sanitary town. Rs. 15,000.00
120. Insanitary unplanned village. Rs. 15,000.00
121. Planned sanitary village. Rs. 15,000.00
122. Commode latrine. Rs. 6500.00
123. Water closet (western type). Rs. 5500.00
124. Water closet (eastern type). Rs. 5500.00
125. Long hopper closet. Rs. 6500.00
126. Wash out closet. Rs. 6000.00
127. Wash down closet. Rs. 6000.00
128. Siphonic closet. Rs. 6000.00
129. Trough closet. Rs. 5500.00
130. Three closet at different levels
explaining siphonic trap. Rs. 9500.00
131. Mica valve box (air inlet). Rs. 6500.00
132. Siphon trap (U type). Rs. 6500.00
133. Siphon trap (P type). Rs. 6500.00
134. Gully trap. Rs. 6500.00
135. Incinerator (medium). Rs. 6500.00
136. Intermittant down ward filtration. Rs. 8500.00
137. An ordinary incinerator. Rs. 6500.00