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1. Structure of Hepatitis Virus. Rs. 8000.00
2. Parasite & Parasitic Diseases in Man (Spread of Parasitic
infection to man through Anthropodan Mammalian Hosts Rs. 7000.00
3. Distribution & Localization of Protozoal Parasites inside the
Human Body. Rs. 7000.00
4. Localization of some of the Helminthic Parasites
which infect man. Rs. 7000.00
5. Cysts of Intestinal Protozoa of man. Rs. 4000.00
6. Helminthic Eggs found in the stool of man. Rs. 4000.00
7. Life Cycle of Entamoeba Histolytica. Rs. 7000.00
8. Entamoeba ColiThree Stages of E. Coli. Rs. 5000.00
9. Morphology of Entamoeba Coli. Rs. 4500.00
10. Enteromonas Hominis (Trophozoite & Cyst). Rs. 4500.00
11. Embadomonas Intestinalis (Troph. & Cyst). Rs. 3500.00
12. Chilomastix Mesnili (Troph. & Cyst). Rs. 3500.00
13. Giardia Intestinalis (Troph. & Cyst). Rs. 4500.00
14. Morphological Types of Haemoflagellates. Rs. 4000.00
15. Morphology of Trypanosome. Rs. 3500.00
16. Life Cycle of Trypanosoma Gambiense. Rs. 7000.00
17. Life Cycle of Trypanosoma Cruzi. Rs. 7000.00
18. Life Cycle of Leishmania Donovani. Rs. 7000.00
19. Stages of Development of L. Donovani. Rs. 5500.00
20. Phlebotomus Argentipes (Sand Fly) Various stages of development. Rs. 6500.00
21. Mascroscopic Appearance of L. Donovani (Kala-Azar Spleen). Rs. 4000.00
22. Anaemia in Kala Azar. Rs. 7000.00
23. Life Cycle of Leishmania Tropica (Sand Fly). Rs. 7000.00
24. 12 Types of bactaria
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25. 16 Types of Pathologenic bacteria
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n) Spirochaeta pallida. o) Gono coccus. p) Mycobacterium leprae. Rs. 12,000.00
26. PATHOGENIC SPIROCHETES : 8 Types of spirochetes
a) Spirocheta plicatilis. b) Saprospira grandis.
c)Cristispira anodontae.d)Borrelia recurrents.
e) Treponema pallidium. f) Leptospira icterchaemorrhagiae.
g) Spirella minus. h) Borrelia recurrentis var duttoni. Rs. 8000.00
27. PATHOGENIC AMOEBAE : 6 Types of Pathogenic amoebaes
a) Entamoebas histolytica with cyst. b) Entamoeba coli with cyst.
c) Endolimax nana with cyst. d) Iodamoeba williamsi with cyst.
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f) Entamooba gingivalis. Rs. 6000.00
28. TRICOMONADS OF MAN : 3 Types of tricomonads of man
a) Trichomonas vaginalis. b) Trichomonas tentax.
c) Trichomonas hominis. Rs. 5500.00
29. MAMMALIAN TRYPANOSOMES : 9 Types of model
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c) T. equinum. d) T. cruzi. e) T. lewisi. f) T. theileri.
g) T. congolense. h) T. simiae. i) T. vivax. Rs. 9000.00