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The anatomical and functional |
5. Ion channels. |
organization of the nervous system |
6. The resting membrane |
and action potential. |
1. The organization of the |
7. The neuromuscular junction |
nervous system. |
and synapses. |
2. The development of the |
8. Nerve conduction and |
nervous system. |
synaptic integration. |
3. The cells of the nervous |
9. Neurotransmitters, receptors |
system I : Neurones. |
and their pathways. |
4. The cell of the nervous |
10. Skeletal muscle structure. |
system II : Neuroglial cells. |
11. Skeletal muscle contraction. |
12. The organization of the |
34. Spinal cord motor organization |
spinal cord. |
and locomotion. |
13. Anatomy of the brainstem. |
35. The cortical motor areas. |
14. Cranial nerves. |
36. Primary motor cortex. |
15. The organization of the |
37. The cerebellum. |
cerebral cortex. |
38. The basal ganglia : anatomy |
16. Meninges & cerebrospinal fluid. |
and physiology. |
17. Blood supply of the central |
39. Basal ganglia diseases and |
nervous system. |
their treatment. |
40. Eye movement. |
Sensory systems |
41. Clinical disorders of the |
motor system. |
18. Sensory systems : an overview. |
19. Sensory transduction. |
Autonomic, limbic, brainstem |
20. The somatosensory system. |
systems and plasticity |
21. Pain systems I : Nocioceptors |
and nocioceptive pathways. |
42. Autonomic nervous system. |
22. Pain systems II : Pharmacology |
43. The hypothalamus. |
and management. |
44. The reticular formation & sleep. |
23. The visual system I : |
45. The limbic system, long-term |
The eye and retina. |
potentiation and memory. |
24. The visual system II : |
46. Neural plasticity and neurotrophic |
The visual pathways and |
factors I : The peripheral nervous |
subcortical visual areas. |
system. |
25. The visual system III : |
47. Neural plasticity and neurotrophic |
Visual cortical areas. |
factors II : The central nervous |
26. The auditory system I : |
system. |
The ear and cochlea. |
27. The auditory system II : |
Disorders of the nervous system |
The auditory pathways and |
language. |
48. Examination of the |
28. The vestibular system. |
nervous system. |
29. Olfaction and taste. |
49. Investigation of the |
30. Association cortices : |
nervous system. |
The posterior parietal and |
50. Neurochemical disorders I : |
prefrontal cortex. |
Affective disorders & schizophrenia. |
31. Clinical disorders of the |
51. Neurochemical disorders II : |
sensory pathways. |
Anxiety. |
52. Neurodegenerative disorders. |
Motor systems |
53. Neurophysiological disorders : |
epilepsy. |
32. The organization of the |
54. Neuroimmunological disorders. |
motor systems. |
55. Neurogenetic disorders. |
33. The muscle spindle and |
lower motorneurone. |