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1. Understanding Carpel | 7. Knee Injuries. |
Tunnel Syndrome. | 8. Osteo-arthritis. |
2. Hip and knee Inflammation. | 9. Lumbar Disk Disease & Sciatica. |
3. The Human Spine Disorders. | 10. Rheumatoid Arthritis. |
4. The Whiplash Injuries of the | 11. Anatomy & Injuries of foot & ankle. |
Head and Neck. | 12. Anatomy & injuries of hand & wrist. |
5. Arthritis, Joint Inflammation. | 13. Ligaments of the Joint. |
6. Understanding Osteoporosis. | 14. Anatomy & injuries of shoulder. |
15. Antomy & injuries of Hip. | 20. Classification of fractures of long |
16. Anatomical location of a | Bones - Malleolar segments. |
Fracture Alphanumeric Structure | 21. Classification of fractures of long |
of Classification of fracture Long | bones- Radius - Ulna. |
Bones & Adult. | 22. Steps in identifying diaphyseal and |
17. Classification of fracture of Diaphysis | end segment fractures. |
& end segments in to group. | 23. Classification of fractures of long |
18. Classification of fracture of long bones | Tibia/Fibula. |
bones Femur. |
19. Fracture types for Long Bones |
fractures in Adult. |