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Primary diseases of the Kidney.
51. Acute Renal Failure.
52. Chronic Glomerulonephritis: Early Stage.
53. Chronic Glomerulonephritis: Membranous Glomerulonephritis.
54. Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis.
55. Acute Diffuse Interstitial Nephritis.
The Kidney and Systemic Diseases.
56. Benign Essential Hypertension.
57. Malignant Phase of Essential Hypertension: Renal Pathology.
58. Renovascular Hypertension.
59. Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome.
60. Progressive Systemic Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
61. Polyarteritis Nodosa.
62. Renal Vein Thrombosis.
63. Hypokalemic Nephropathy.
64. Myeloma.
Diseases of the Urinary System.
65. Obstructive Uropathy.
66. Cystitis.
67. Pyelonephritis.
68. Papillary Necrosis.
69. Renal Carbuncle and Perirenal Abscess.
70. Tuberculosis of the Urinary Tract.
71. Urinary Schistosomiasis.
72. Urinary Tract Calculi.
73. Renal Cystic Diseases: Simple Cysts.
74. Renal Cystic Diseases: Adult Polycystic Kidney.
75. Benign Renal Tumors.
76. Malignant Tumors of the Kidney.
77. Tumors of the Pelvis and the Ureter.
78. Tumors of the Bladder.
79. Nephroblastoma.
80. Diverticula of the Bladder.
81. Neurogenic Bladder.
Development of the Genital Tracts.
82. Hermaphroditism.
Diseases of the Penis and the Urethra.
83. Congenital Anomalies: Congenital Valves,
Epispadia and Hypospadia.
84. Phimosis, Paraphimosis and Strangulation.
85. Peyronie Disease, Priapism and Thrombosis.
86. Balanitis.
87. Urethritis.
88. Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Venereum and Granuloma Inguinale.
89. Syphilis.
90. Warts, Precancerous Lesions and Early Cancer.
91. Papilloma and Cancer of the Urethra.
Disease of the Prostate Gland and the Seminal Tract.
92. Prostatitis.
93. Nodular Hyperplasia: Benign Prostatic Hepertrophy.
94. Carcinoma of the Prostate: Types, Extension
and Metastases.
Diseas of the Scrotum and the Testis.
95. Hydrocele and Spermatocele.
96. Varicocele, Hematocele and Torsion.
97. Infection and Gangrene.
98. Infection and Abscess of the Testis and the Epididymis.
99. Testicular Tumors: Seminoma and Embroyonal Carcinoma.
100. Testicular Tumors: Chorioepithelioma, Teratoma
and Teratocarcinoma.