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Hormones |
| Antifungal Drugs |
112. Hypothalamic and Hypophyseal |
Hormones. | 136. Drugs Used in the treatment |
113. Thyroid Hormone Therapy-release, | of Fungal Infections. |
effects, degradation. |
114. Hyperthyroidsm & Antithyroid | Antiviral drugs |
Drugs. |
115. Glucocorticoid Therapy -Principal | 137. Chemotherapy of Viral Infections. |
and adverse effects. | (Viral Multiplication and modes of |
116. Cortisol release and its modification | action of Antiviral agents). |
by Glucocorticoids. | 138. Activation of Acyclovir & inhibition |
117. Androgens, Anabolic Steroids, | of viral DNA Synthesis. |
Antiandrogens. | 139. drugs for the Treatment of AID. |
118. Follicular Growth and Ovulation, |
Estrogen and Progestin Production. | Antiparasytic Agents |
119. Oral Contraceptives. |
120. Antiestrogen and Antiprogestin | 140. Drugs for Treating Endoparasitic |
Active Principles. | & Ectoparasitic Infestations. |
121. Aromatase Inhibitors. | 141. Antimalarials. |
122. Insulin Formulations. |
123. Treatment of Insulin-dependent | Anticancer drugs |
Diabetes Mellitus. |
124. Diabetes of Mellitus. | 142. Chemotherapy of Malignant |
125. Treatment of Maturity-onset | Tumors. |
(Type II) diabetes Mellitus. | 143. Cytostatics: Alkylating agents & |
126. Oral Antidiabetics. | cytostatic Antibiotics. (Inhibitors of |
127. Drugs for Maintaining Calcium | tetrahydrofolate Synthesis, |
Homeostasis. | amtimetabolites. |
| 144. Targeting of Antineoplastic Drug |
Antibacterial Drugs | Action. |
128. Drugs for treating Bacterial | Immune Modulators |
Infections. |
129. Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis- | 145. Inhibition of Immune Responses |
Penicillin G. | (immune reaction & |
130. Disadvantages of Penicillin G. | immunosuppressives). |
131. Inhibitors of Tetrahydrofolate | 146. Calcineurin Inhibitors and |
Synthesis. | sirolimus (Rapamycin). |
132. Antibacterial Drugs Acting on DNA. |
Antidotes | 154. Acute Coronary Syndrome- |
| Myocardial Infraction. |
147. Antidotes and treatment | 155. Congestive Heart failure. |
of Poisoning. | 156. Hypotension. |
148. Reactivation of ACH-esterase | 157. Obesity-Sequelae & Therapeutic |
by an oxime. | Approaches. |
| 158. Osteoporosis. |
Therapy of Selected Diseases | 159. Migraine. |
| 160. Common Cold. |
149. Angina pectoris. | 161. Atopy and Antiallergic Therapy. |
150. Hypertension. | 162. Bronchial Asthma. |
151. Gout and its Therapy. | 163. Emesis. |
152. Rheumatoid Arthritis. | 164. Alcohol Abuse. |
153. Antianginal Drugs. | 165. Local Treatment of Claucoma |