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1. Structure of the respiratory | 6. Lung mechanics : elastic forces. |
system : lungs, airways and | 7. Lung mechanics : airway resistance. |
dead space. | 8. Carriage of oxygen. |
2. The thoracic cage and respiratory | 9. Carriage of carbon dioxide. |
muscles. | 10. Control of acid-base balance. |
3. Pressures and volumes during | 11. Control of breathing I : |
normal breathing. | neural mechanisms. |
4. Gas laws and respiratory symbols. | 12. Control of breathing II : |
5. Diffusion. | chemical mechanisms. |
13. Pulmonary circulation and | 25. Venous thromboembolism and |
anatomical right-to-left shunts. | pulmonary embolism. |
14. Ventilation-perfusion mismatching. | 26. Pulmonary involvement in vasculitis. |
15. Development of the respiratory | 27. Interstitial lung disease. |
system and birth. | 28. Pleural disease. |
16. Complications of development | 29. Pneumothorax. |
and congenital disease. | 30. Cystic fibrosis & bronchiectasis. |
17. Lung defence mechanisms | 31. Occupational & environmental- |
and immunology. | related lung disease. |
18. Pulmonary function tests. | 32. Pneumonia. |
19. Chest imaging and bronchoscopy. | 33. Pulmonary tuberculosis. |
20. Respiratory failure. | 34. Respiratory infections in |
21. Asthma : Pathophysiology. | HIV infection. |
22. Asthma : Treatment. | 35. Acute respiratory distress |
23. Chronic obstructive pulmonary | syndrome (ARDS). |
disease. | 36. Lung cancer. |
24. Pulmonary hypertension. | 37. Sleep-disordered breathing. |
| 38. Mechanical ventilation. |
| 39. Acute oxygen therapy |