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THE EPITHELIAL TISSUE: | 19. Fibrous Cartilage: Intervertebral |
1. Simple Squamous Epithelium: | 20. Elastic Cartilage: Epiglottis. |
Epithelial Cells. | THE BONE: |
Surface View of Peritoneal | 21. Compact bone, Dried: Diaphysis |
Mesothelium. | of the Tibia (Transverse Section). |
3. Simple Squamous Epithelium: | 22. Compact bone, Dried: Diaphysis |
4. Simple Columnar Epithelium. | (Transverse Section, Decalcified). |
5. Simple Columnar Epithelium: | 24. Intramembranous Ossification: |
Cells with Striated Borders and | Mandible of Five-Month Fetus |
Goblet Cells. | (Transverse Section, Decalcified). |
(Transverse section). | THE MUSCLE TISSUE: |
(Tangential section). | 25. Smooth Muscle Fibers. |
8. Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated | 26. Skeletal (Striated) Muscle |
Epithelium. | Fibers (Dissociated). |
9. Transitional Epithelium. | 27. Spinal Cord: Midthoracic Region |
11. Cells of Loose Connective Tissue in | 29. Cerebellum (Sectional View, |
Sections. | Transverse Section). |
12. Dense Irregular and Loose Connective | 30. Cerebellum: Cortex. |
Tissue (Elastin Stain). | 31. Cerebral Cortex: Section |
13. Adipose Tissue. | Perpendicular to the Cortical |
14. Embryonic Connective Tissue. | surface. |
THE CARTILAGE: | Area of the cortex. |
15. Fetal Cartilage: Developing Hyaline | THE CARDIOVASCULAR |
Cartilage. | SYSTEM: |
16. Fetal Cartilage | (Sectional View). |
17. Mature Hyaline Cartilage. | 33. Blood & Lymphatic Vessels. |
18. Newly Formed Hyaline Cartilage | 34. Large Vein: Portal Vein |
of the Trachea. | (Transverse Section). |