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Articulated Skeletons1. Articulated Human Skeleton (Male or Female).
2. Articulated Human Muscular Skeleton (Printed in Red & Blue to show Muscle Insertions).
3. Articulated Child Skeleton (Articulated Foetal Skeleton with Foetal Skull)
4. Stand for Articulated Skeleton (Plastic Cover for Articulated Skeleton.)
Disarticulated Human Skeleton
1. Disarticulated Human Skeleton with Skull (Skull Calveria cut, one side hand & foot articulated with wire and one side loose).
2. Disarticulated Human Muscular Skeleton with Skull (Painted in Red & Blue to Muscle insertions Disarticulated Child Skeleton with Skull (All loose bones).
3. Disarticulated Foetal Skeleton. (Mounted on Board) Each bone fully labeled, in transparent acyrelic box.
Human Skulls
1. Human Skull.28-32 Teeth. Calveria Cut and Jaw Spring held.
2. Human Muscular Skull (Printed in Red & Blue to show Muscle Insertions).
3. Jaw Spring held.
4. Disarticulated Human Skull in 22 Parts from one skull.
5. Child Skull.Calveria Cut & Jaw Spring held.
6. Foetal Skull Made Fibre Glass (Unbreakable Life Long).
7. Foetal Skull Original Bone.
Comparative Study Material
1. Human Skull for Comparative Study Foetal, Child, Young, Adult & Old.
2. Human Jaw for Comparative Study Foetal, Child, Young, Adult & Old.
3. Human Maxilla (Both sides) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old.
4. Human Teeth (32) Loose from One Skull.
5. Human Teeth (32) on Stand from One Skull.
6. Atlas & Axis (Set) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old.
7. Human Ribset (Both sides) For Comparative StudyChild, Young, Adult & Old.
8. Human Sternum For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old.
9. Human Sacrum (Male or Female) For Comparative Study. Child, Young, Adult & Old.
10. Human Pelvis (Disarticulated) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
11. Human Pelvis (Articulated) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
12. Human Hand (Articulated) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
13. Human Ulna Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
14. Human Radius Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
15. Human Humrus Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
16. Human Tibia Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
17. Human Fibula Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
18. Human Femur Bone For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).
19. Human Vertibral Column (24 Verte) For Comparative Study Child, Young, Adult & Old (Male or Female).