Product Description
Skull Parts
1 Human Ear Bone set Malleus Incus Stapes
Mounted on Plastic
2 Human Frontal Bone
3 Human Ethmoid Bone
4 Human Lacrimal Bone Each
5 Human Mandible 16 Teeth
6 Human Maxilla Each
7 Human Nasal Bone Each
8 Human Zygomatic Bone Each
9 Human Palatine Bone Each
10 Human Occipital Bone Each
11 Human Temporal Bone Each
12 Human Sphenoid Bone
13 Human Concha Bone
14 Human Vomer Bone Each
15 Human Parietal Bone Each
Human Temporal Bone dissected and Hinged with
Auditory Ossicles Ear Membrane on Stand
1 Human Hyoid Bone
2 Human Sternum Bone
3 Human Clavicle Bone Each
4 Human Scapula Bone Each
5 Human Rib Bone set Both Sides
6 Human Atlas Vertebrae
7 Human Axis Vertebrae
1 Hand Articulated with Nylon
2 Hand Articulated with Stainless Steel Wire
3 Human Arm and Hand Articulated with SS
4 Wire complete with Scapula Clavicle
5 Humrus Bone
6 Radius Bone
7 Ulna Bone
1 Cervicle Vertibrae Articulated C1 to C7
2 Thoracic Vertebral Articulated
3 Lumber Vertebral Articulated
4 Lumber with Sacrum Articulated
5 Human Vertebral Column 24 Verte without Sacrum
Disarticulated Articulated
6 Human Vertebral Column with Sacrum and Pelvis
7 Human Vertebral Column with Sacrum without Hip Bone
8 Articulated Vertebral Column with Cervicle Lumber Sacral Plexus
1 Foot Articulated with Nylon
2 Foot Articulated with Stainless Steel Wire
3 Human Leg Foot Articulated with Nylon Includes Half Pelvis
4 Femur Bone
5 Tibia Bone
6 Fibula Bone
7 Patella Bone
8 Pelvic Bone Each
9 Sacrum Bone
10 Coccyx Bone