Product Description
Human Skull for Detailed Study
1 Human Skull Cervical Vertebrae Set
Skull articulated with seven Cervical Vertebrae simulated
carotid Arteries Spinal NervesThe Skull is Removeable
On Stand with Base
2 Human Half Skull Set
Includes one each half of Fetus Child Young Adult Old
Mounted together on board with half Mandible
3 Human Demonstration Half Skull
The Upper and Lower Jaws are DISSECTED revealing root
of Teeth with simulated Nerves and Blood Supplies Lower Jaw
is removable Temporal area is sectioned and hinted with simulated
Ear Diaphragm and complete with auditory ossicles The Nasal
Septum is longitudinally sectioned and hinged Cranial portion
has the blood Vessels painted On stand with Base
4 Human Demonstration Skull
One side of Lower Jaw one side of Upper Jaw dissected to
reveal underlying Teeth structure Right and left Maxilla
out to reveal the Maxillary Sinuses A section of bone above the
orbit opens outward to reveal a Frontal Sinuses which allow
detailed study of the Sinus regions One side of the temporal
is cut and the auditory ossicles are shown connecting the
membrane of the EarADULT
5 Human Muscular Demonstration Skull
Same as above No 4 but painted in RED BLUE
to show Muscle incertions
6 Human Demonstration Skull Frontal Preparation
Same as above No 4 but consists of Right Left Frontal
Sagittally sectioned with the Nasal Details
7 Beauchene Skull
Bones of Complete Skull disarticulated in 22
parts and assessibly mounted in
their relative positionsThe Bones are divided in to three units
Cranial Facial and Mandibular by means of mechanical divices
Several complex can be swung out of lifted off reveal all tissues
Dissection of both Jaws are reveal the root structure of the
teeth embodded in the spongy bones Fully mounted on base
8 Muscular Beauchene Skull
Same as No 7 but painted in RED and BLUE to
show muscle insertions