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16. Antibody structure and function.
1. The scope of immunology. (3. The adaptive immune response)
2. Natural and adaptive 17. Antigen recognition and processing.
immune mechanisms. 18. The antibody response.
3. Evolution of immune mechanisms. 19. Antigen-antibody interaction
4. Cell involved in immunity: The and immune complexes.
Haemopoietic system. 20. Cell-mediated immune responses.
Natural Immunity Regulation
5. Complement. 21. Tolerance.
6. Acute Inflammation. 22. Idiotypes, anti-idiotypes & networks.
7. Phagocytic Cells: The Reticulo- 23. The cytokine network.
Endothelial system. 24. Immunity, hormones and the brain.
8. Phagocytosis.
Potentially Useful Immunity
Adaptive Immunity.
The cellular basis 25. Anti-microbial immunity :
a general scheme.
9. Lymphocytes. 26. Immunity to viruses.
10. Primary lymphoid organs 27. Immunity to bacteria.
and Lymphopoiesis. 28. Immunity to fungi.
11. Secondary Lymphoid organs 29. Immunity to protozoa.
and lymphocyte traffic. 30. Immunity to worms.
31. Immunity to tumours.
Molecular Basis
Undesirable Effects of Immunity
12. Evolution of recognition molecules-
The immunoglobulin superfamily. 32. Harmful immunity : a general
13. The major histocompatibility complex. scheme.
14. The T Cell receptor. 33. Allergy and anaphylaxis.
34. Immune complexes, Altered Immunity
complement and disease.
35. Chronic and cell-mediated 38. Immunosuppression.
inflammation. 39. Immunodeficiency.
36. Autoimmunity. 40. HIV and AIDS.
37. Transplant rejection. 41. Immunostimulation & vaccination.