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Antithrombotics Drugs for the Suppression of
Pain (Analgesics)
71. Coumarin Derivatives Vitamin K.
72. Heparin Origion Structure and 92. Pain Mechanisms and Pathways
Mechanism of Action.
73. Fibrinolytics. Antipyretic Analgesics
74. Intra-arterial Thrombus Formation.
(Thrombogenesis , Formation, 93. Antipyretic Analgesics..
activation & aggregation of Platelets). Eicosanoids.
75. Plasma Volume Expanders. 94. Antipyretic Analgesics vs
Drugs for the treatment of 95. Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory
Hyperlipidemias Drugs (NSAIDs).
76. Lipid lowering agents. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory
77. Drug Treatment of Drugs
96. Cyclooxygenase (COX)
Diuretics Inhibitors.
78. Diuretics-Overview. Local Anesthetics
79. NaCl Reabsorption in the kidney.
80. Diuretics of the Sulfonamide Type. 97. Diffussion and Effect.
81. PotassiumSparing Diuretics 98. Local Anesthetics and pH Value.
and Vasopressin.
99. Analgesics- Type.
82. Bulk Laxatives.
83. Irritant Laxatives. General Anesthetic
84. Small-Bowel/Large Bowel
Irritant Purgative. 100. General Anesthesia and General
85. Lubricant Laxatives. Anesthetic Drugs
101. Inhalational Anesthetics.
Antidiarrheals 102. Injectable Anesthetics.
86. Antidiarrheals and their Psychopharmacologicals
sites of Action
103. Sedatives, hypnotics.
Drugs Acting on Motor System 104. Action of Benzodiazepines.
105. Pharmacoknetics of
87. Drug Affecting Motor Function. Benzodiazepines.
88. Muscle Relaxants. 106. Therapy of Depresive Illness-
89. Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants. Effects of Antidepressants.
90. Antiparkinsonian Drugs. 107. Antidepressants activity profiles.
91. Antiepileptics. 108. Effects of Lithium Salts in Mania.
109. Therapy of Schizophrenia 133. Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis.
effects. 134. Aspects of Therapeutic use of
110. Conventional and atypical Tetracyclines, Chloramphenicol and
neuroleptics. Aminoglycosides.
111. Psychotomimetics. 135. Drugs for treating Mycobacterial